What a journey it has been bringing this concept to fruition. We have spent the last 10 years observing the business selling industry, and we truly believe that we can impact-fully improve the standards of the business broking industry.
We have heard from so many friends and colleagues who have been through a sales process before, how much improvement can be made to the practice of selling business, and the industry itself. Our experiences working in the industry and transacting millions of dollars of businesses in many industries also reinforces this.
"According to the AIBB in 2017 there were approximately 2000 professional practising business brokers in Australia. Yet over 10,000 brokers were participating in the sale of businesses.

We know that nothing will happen overnight, and we are committed to a slow process.
Thankfully, we are the type of people that love the process, there is something about grinding each problem that arises, until the solution is found - it's addictive.
This is what really floats our boat, and we know that true results are an organic bi product of each step forward.
We know there are others out there wanting to do the same - to improve the standards of the industry and user experience. Whilst they would be considered competitors, our interests are aligned, and we have a profound respect and desire to collaborate with like minded competitors.

When will we officially launch?
We have now developed, tested, and soft launched a system that generates more enquires, brings more offers, and provides the highest possible standards of service to Sellers and Buyers. We are already functional, and with our new website being finalised, we will officially launch in the second week of August. We will be working very hard, on becoming as visible as possible as quickly as possible.
One of the things we looked at very closely, was which parts of the sales process could be automated. During our testing phase we realised very quickly, what we already subconsciously knew, that the human element in a business sale, simply could not be replaced or automated, so we directed our focus towards refining the user experience of a client when they interact with us. Largely, this experience can be defined by the pre-market preperation.
What is our business model?
Our business model is designed to be built around a small team that is lean, mean, and ethically clean. It is important that our clients receive the right balance of consistency and also benefit from individual styles, so we choose to work with a maximum number of clients. When we choose to work together, a client truly becomes our business partner.
We are both equally invested emotionally, and financially and we think this is key to a successful sale.
We also built our website and CRM in house – literally we built it ourselves.
(Thank you to our loving and patient partners, for accommodating all the late nights and weekends in the last few months).

We kept it in house because we know in today's digital landscape, how often the digital “rules” change. Because we built the darn thing we can change it without relying on any third party, so it’s far easier to stay ahead of the trends.
We have just handed our website over, (now that most of the basic content is up) to a design team who will do the final “polishing”, ready for our launch in the next two weeks. So if you happen to have a look, of course we would appreciate your feedback. The website will be a work in progress for us in the early days, though in the long term we know this will pay off for us and our clients.
We also have some new and exciting tools that we are developing in the next year that are relevant to the entire industry, so we will keep you updated on how they progress. One in particular could significantly impact the industry.
Finally, we thank you for all of your support, and we look forward to impacting the lives of the people we work with by delivering them fantastic results.
In true sales fashion we will leave you with a recent testimonial, and a sneak preview of the work that goes into our successful website advertising campaigns.
From all of us at VBA, we look forward to working with you!
