For Sale: $800,000

Business Overview
This labour-hire business is on the market 27 years after its establishment by its owner. The business specialises in providing electrical labour-hire to the mining industry.
Most clients are institutional ASX-listed businesses. The company supplies labour in Australia as well as overseas.
With a niche in mining, there is potential to expand into other industries. Most business expenses are variable, with few fixed costs. Servicing international based clients, the head office is relocatable.
RTO makes this business attractive to a potential suitor with a focus on training staff. The business has robust processes and training with a focus on safety.
Revenue and profitability were constrained during COVID lockdowns and are now recovering.
This opportunity represents a unique pathway to engage with blue chip customers, priced according to the business’s current performance.
Key Features
Services ASX listed miners
27 years of trading history
Relocatable head office
Vendor willing to assist new owner with handover
Seven figure turnover
Buying a business is easy with Vision
"We understand that as every business is different, so is every buyer. Ask your broker about the information the Vendor will make available as part of due diligence so you know what to expect at the beginning of the process."

Tony Selak
Licensed Business Broker
t:Â Â (02) 8923 2632

Dan Levitus
Senior Partner
Licensed Business Broker
t:Â Â (02) 8923 2632
The Purchaser is responsible for conducting their own investigations in relation to this business and VBA does not warrant the accuracy of any information contained in this business.