This business is SOLD. Due to high demand, we are actively seeking other MSPs for sale. Please register your interest if you are selling.
If you are looking to acquire, please complete the confidential agreement so we can let you know when a new MSP is available for sale.

Business Overview
This Sydney-based managed service provider (MSP) is being offered for sale for the first time since its inception.
Operating for over 10 years with a healthy trading history, this business is experiencing sustainable growth.
In the last 3 years, the business has developed a niche within the customer acquisition process by integrating IT principles with the specific needs of business owners.
The customer base is highly diverse with very sticky and long-standing customers representing more than 10% of sales revenue.
In the last 12 months especially, the business demonstrates substantial increases to their managed services products.
Further, relatively new strategic partnerships and untapped marketing initiatives, indicate accelerated untold growth. Needless to say, this is a very exciting time for this business and an ideal exit and entry point for both seller and acquirer.
Interested parties should expect that certain customer information and intellectual property assets will be retracted until a binding agreement is entered.
Disclosure of the confidential business information will be approved on a case-by-case basis. Please contact the Broker, Dan Levitus, for further information.
The vendor reserves the right to enter a binding agreement, without notice to other Interested Parties.

Revenue in excess of $2.2M
MSP revenue in excess of $100k per month
Unique customer acquisition model, just scratching the surface
Highly diverse customer base with recurring revenue
Transition and support offered to the successful purchaser
Buying a business is easy with Vision
"We understand that as every business is different, so is every buyer. Ask your broker about the information that the Vendor will make available as part of due diligence, so you know what to expect at the beginning of the process."

Dan Levitus
(m) 0450 326 146
(t)Â Â (02) 8923 2632
The Purchaser is responsible for conducting their own investigations in relation to this business and VBA does not warrant the accuracy of any information contained on this business