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Dan & Daniel here – founders and head of transactions at Vision Brokers & Advisors.

“I don’t need to know how the sausage is made; I just like to eat it.”

Said one of our recent potential clients starting their business sale journey. By demonstrating this expectation of a business sale process, we decided this client is not for us (or you), though it did put a smile on our face.

The month of August brought our clients a handful of new offers, and VBA a strong offering of potential new clients.

One that we would like to put on your radar now, provides at home health care services and features an FY22 EBITDA of circa $2M. A mature business with YoY growth in the last 5 years.

You may register your pre-market interest by emailing. Click here

Business Owners. There is strong demand in the market in the $1M - $10M Enterprise Value range driven by a lack of supply for;

• IT/Managed Services • Health Care Services • Coffee Roasters

If this is you, and you are interested in exploring a potential sale, reach out to Dan Levitus on | 0450 326 146 to start a confidential discussion.

BUYER TIP The benefits of a Share Purchase Agreement

A Share Purchase Agreement (SPA) can represent a considerably more effective and efficient method of acquiring a business.

They are often put in the “too hard” or “too risky” basket.

They don’t have to be.

A due diligence on operating history, complemented by the Vendor’s warranties and indemnities that are typical in an SPA, should give a Purchaser enough confidence they are assuming minimal historical risk.

The continuity advantages of acquiring the Vendor’s entity, should not be underestimated by a Purchaser that wants to mitigate their risk and protect their return on investment once they take possession of the business.

An SPA offers a far more seamless novation of customers, suppliers, and employees, as they are interacting with the same ABN number. Many licenses and permits are often held and controlled by the entity. Then think of the day to day such as software subscriptions, bank accounts, service, and utility providers. The work involved in transferring the day to day business conduct under a business asset sale contract can be overwhelming.

Completing a transaction using the SPA method minimises this burden for the Purchaser, allowing them to focus their time and energy on more important tasks, especially the first 3 months of trade.


This business is offered for sale at an exceptionally discounted rate. FY22 EBITDA sits at circa $800k and asking just $1.25M. This owner must move quickly for personal reasons.

Please read the offering closely, as interested parties will need to be in a commercial and financial position to complete this transaction (including Vendor transition) before mid-December 2022.

Rare Sunscreen First Round Raise Investment Opportunity –

Close Friend of one of our Directors, Dan Levitus

We are happy to introduce you to a third party managing the first-round raise of this attractive sunscreen brand. Have a look at the promo material here: Facebook Instagram

VBA will be investing their own money, as close friends of the founders Robbie and Dani, we know “how the sausage is made” and just how hungry, invested, and persistent they are.

“I’ve tried the sunscreen, I love it, the kids love it - I don’t have to pin them down to rub it in, – it’s not oily and you aren’t still scraping it off with your fingernails the next day – this is the real deal, with a massive brand appeal. You will honestly giggle when applying this sunscreen, it feels amazing” - Dan

If you like backing products that disrupt an industry this could be what you are looking for.

As an insider, we can tell you their current valuation sits at just $4M for this first round raise.

Key sales channels exist through 4 major Australian retailers.

Expansion plans underway to USA, Southeast Asia, Europe, UAE and more.

DYOR, but we are excited for the founders, investors, and can’t wait to see what the future holds for BeachFox.

Beachfox is an early-stage start up. Before investing, please consider the risk warning.


Our mission is to transcend the standards of the business broker industry, and this means so much more than just selling businesses.

We would love for you to be part of our community.

From all of us at Vision Broker and Advisors, we really look forward to working with you.

Good luck, and make sure you have a look at our business for sale.



30 + years experience 

in operating, selling and buying



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(02) 8923 2632

Level 25/100 Mount Street
North Sydney, NSW 2060


(03) 9203 1478

305/566, St Kilda Road
Melbourne, VIC 3004


(07) 3041 4051

3/26 Kingussie Street,

Kenmore, QLD 4069

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